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Dental Veneers

Although tooth deficiencies do not cause significant harm to the health of teeth and gums, they can cause difficulties while talking, eating and can disturb the person. Implants are made so that the patient does not experience physical and aesthetic problems caused by missing teeth.
Implants are artificial tooth roots made of titanium that are surgically placed in the jawbone under the gums after the patient's measurements are taken. After the roots are placed, a temporary prosthetic tooth is placed on it, depending on the situation.
In this method, which is applied under local or general anesthesia, the patient does not feel any pain. After the implant is placed, a waiting period of 3 to 6 months is required for the bone and the implant to fuse. After the waiting period is completed, the impression is taken and the coating is placed on the implant.

Laminate Veneers

It is performed when only one or a few teeth are missing and the remaining teeth are intact. Sometimes it can also be done with immediate root placement (immediate implant) in the place where the tooth was pulled.

The most important factor when deciding on the implant is the patient's bone structure.

Zirconium Veneers (Zirconia Crown)

After the upper and lower jaw bones are viewed in detail, 4 or 6 implants are applied at determined angles. Especially in patients with no teeth, oral-dental health is achieved in a single day. Treatment prevents patients who do not have teeth to go untreated due to bone deficiency, bone augmentation or sinus lift. Fixed prostheses can be produced on the same day for patients with the All on 4/6 technique.

E-Max Veneers

It is preferred in dental conditions such as if there is insufficient bone in the area where the implant will be applied, in raising the sinus floor before the implant, in causing chronic inflammation, and in the melting of the bone that remains in the mouth for a long time. Jaw bone powder, also called bone graft, is obtained in different ways. It is produced in the form of block or small particle powder.

Who can have veneers?

For veneer application, the patient's tooth deformation, orthodontic structure and aesthetic smile concerns are examined. When these analyzes of the patient are suitable, measurements are taken for the dental veneer procedure.

Treatment Information and Process

The duration of the first trip should be in the range of 5-6 days. It may be change regarding to your dental amount. İf the veneer will be placed on implants, 3-4 days is quite enough for the duration of the second trip where the crowns on the implant will be placed. Local anesthesia is performed and the treatment is completely painless.

Things to Consider After Treatment

It is forbidden to spit and rinse the mouth during the 2 days of the surgical procedure. These informations might change due to your dental case. Avoid the hot foods and smoking alcohol during the first week following the surgery. There are no restrictions on cold foods.

Dt.Eymen Yueksel
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