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Root Canal Treatment

​Endodontic treatment or root canal treatment in common language; It is a treatment method to save a decayed or infected tooth. Endodontic treatment is not applied to every tooth decay. Tooth root canal treatment is applied in cases where the intervention to the tooth decay with filling is insufficient, if there is inflammation, if the tooth decay has progressed, if it is painful and painful.

In which situations is root canal therapy applied?

Root canal treatment is not performed on every aching or decaying tooth. In order to be able to be treated, these bruises, which are caused by bacteria and signal with mild pain or do not cause pain at all, can only be treated with filling. If the tooth is not treated at this stage, bacteria progress to the core of the tooth, causing inflammation, and root canal treatment is required. (as in the example in the video)

Here are some signs that may indicate a person needs root canal treatment:

- Severe toothache when chewing or applying pressure
- Sensitivity to hot or cold (pain)
- Tooth discoloration
- Swelling and tenderness in nearby gums

Is There Any Pain After Root Canal Treatment?

Although root canal treatment is known as a painful procedure, it is not a procedure that causes more pain and suffering than a normal filling procedure. The pain, soreness and tenderness felt are caused by already existing inflammation and infection. During the first few days after the completion of the root canal treatment, there may be tenderness in the tissue in the area, especially if there is a cleared infection. This pain can be controlled with painkillers that your doctor will recommend.

Treatment Information and Process

Root canal treatment may vary depending on the number of roots in the person's tooth, infection in the root canals, cleaning of the nerves. In some cases, additional procedures may be required. Root canal treatment may take up to a week depending on the infection status of the tooth. An average root canal treatment can take approximately 30 to 90 minutes. In some cases, for example, if there is an infection, a week wait is required before closing the tooth as the dentist will put in medication to clean the tooth.

Things to Consider After Treatment

Nothing should be eaten for at least 3 hours. Hard and crusty foods should be avoided for a while. In the first week, dental floss should be used to prevent infections and extra attention should be paid to dental care.

Dt.Eymen Yueksel
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